Last Supper Question Crossword Clue

Last supper question crossword clue – The “Last Supper question” crossword clue beckons us on an intriguing journey through the annals of history, art, and religion. This enigmatic phrase holds the key to unlocking a wealth of knowledge about one of the most pivotal events in Christianity, the Last Supper.

From its profound biblical significance to its enduring cultural legacy, the Last Supper has captivated minds and hearts for centuries. Through the lens of this crossword clue, we embark on an exploration that unravels the layers of meaning and symbolism associated with this iconic event.

Biblical Context

The Last Supper, as depicted in the Bible, holds immense significance in Christianity. It is the final meal Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. The event is recounted in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and has been a subject of theological study, artistic interpretation, and cultural commemoration throughout history.


The Last Supper took place in an upper room in Jerusalem, as Jesus and his disciples gathered for the Passover meal. The Passover was a Jewish festival commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.


Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples were present at the Last Supper. The disciples included Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.

Main Events

During the Last Supper, Jesus shared significant teachings with his disciples. He emphasized the importance of love, humility, and service. He also introduced the concept of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, where bread and wine symbolize his body and blood.

Symbolic Meanings, Last supper question crossword clue

The Last Supper has several symbolic meanings in the Christian tradition:

  • Bread and Wine:Represent Jesus’ body and blood, which are offered as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity.
  • Washing of Feet:Demonstrates Jesus’ humility and service, teaching his disciples to love and serve one another.
  • New Covenant:The Last Supper marks the establishment of a new covenant between God and humanity through Jesus Christ.

Cultural Depictions: Last Supper Question Crossword Clue

Last supper question crossword clue

The Last Supper has been a subject of artistic representation for centuries, inspiring numerous paintings, sculptures, and mosaics. These artistic interpretations reflect the cultural and historical contexts in which they were created.

One of the most famous depictions of the Last Supper is Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, completed in the late 15th century. Da Vinci’s painting is characterized by its realism and attention to detail, capturing the emotions and gestures of the disciples as they react to Jesus’ announcement of his impending betrayal.


  • Tintoretto’s “The Last Supper” (1594):Depicts the moment of Christ’s revelation of Judas’s betrayal, characterized by its dramatic lighting and dynamic composition.
  • El Greco’s “The Last Supper” (1614):A highly stylized and elongated depiction, conveying a sense of spirituality and otherworldliness.
  • Salvador Dalí’s “The Sacrament of the Last Supper” (1955):A surrealist interpretation, featuring a levitating Christ and a table set in a barren landscape.


  • Giambologna’s “The Last Supper” (1599):A bronze sculpture group depicting the disciples gathered around a table, capturing the tension and emotion of the moment.
  • Andrea del Verrocchio’s “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” (1483):A bronze relief showing Christ revealing his wounds to the doubting Thomas, often associated with the Last Supper.


  • The Last Supper Mosaic in the Church of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna (6th century):A Byzantine mosaic depicting the Last Supper in a symmetrical and hieratic style.
  • The Last Supper Mosaic in the Basilica of San Marco in Venice (13th century):A more naturalistic and expressive mosaic, reflecting the influence of Western artistic traditions.

These diverse artistic representations demonstrate the cultural and historical significance of the Last Supper, providing insights into the beliefs, values, and artistic sensibilities of different eras and regions.

Historical Impact

The Last Supper has had a profound impact on Christianity and Western culture. As the central event in the Christian tradition, it has shaped religious beliefs, rituals, and traditions, and has played a significant role in shaping social and cultural norms.

One of the most significant ways in which the Last Supper has shaped Christianity is through the institution of the Eucharist. According to the Gospel accounts, at the Last Supper, Jesus took bread and wine and declared them to be his body and blood, which would be given for the forgiveness of sins.

This act of consecration has become a central part of Christian worship, and the Eucharist is celebrated in churches around the world as a way of remembering Jesus’ sacrifice and receiving his grace.

The Last Supper has also had a major impact on Christian art and architecture. Many of the most famous works of art in the world depict the Last Supper, and churches throughout history have been built with elaborate decorations that commemorate the event.

The Last Supper has also been a popular subject for music and literature, and has inspired countless works of art, music, and literature.

Beyond its religious significance, the Last Supper has also had a significant impact on Western culture. The event has been used as a model for social and political gatherings, and has been invoked to justify everything from war to peace.

The Last Supper has also been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians, and has helped to shape the way that we think about love, friendship, and betrayal.

Role in Shaping Social and Cultural Norms

The Last Supper has also played a significant role in shaping social and cultural norms. The event has been used as a model for social and political gatherings, and has been invoked to justify everything from war to peace. The Last Supper has also been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians, and has helped to shape the way that we think about love, friendship, and betrayal.

One of the most important ways in which the Last Supper has shaped social norms is through its emphasis on community. The event is a reminder that we are all part of a larger community, and that we should love and support one another.

The Last Supper has also been used to promote social justice and equality, and has been a source of inspiration for movements for peace and reconciliation.

The Last Supper has also had a significant impact on the way that we think about food and eating. The event is a reminder that food is a gift from God, and that we should be grateful for the nourishment that we receive.

The Last Supper has also been used to promote healthy eating habits, and has been a source of inspiration for movements for food justice and sustainability.

Crossword Clue Analysis

Last supper question crossword clue

The crossword clue “Last Supper question” can have several potential answers, each with its own logic and connection to the Last Supper.

Level of Difficulty

The difficulty of solving this clue depends on the solver’s familiarity with the Bible and the context of the Last Supper. For those well-versed in the biblical narrative, the answer may be relatively easy to guess. However, for those less familiar with the story, it could be more challenging.

Potential Answers

  • Who betrayed Jesus?Judas Iscariot was the disciple who betrayed Jesus by identifying him to the authorities.
  • What did Jesus say about the bread?“This is my body.”
  • What did Jesus say about the wine?“This is my blood of the covenant.”
  • What commandment did Jesus give?“Love one another as I have loved you.”
  • What did Jesus predict about his death?“I will be crucified.”

FAQ Insights

What is the significance of the Last Supper in the Bible?

The Last Supper marks the final meal shared by Jesus Christ with his disciples before his crucifixion. It is a pivotal event in the Christian faith, symbolizing Jesus’ sacrifice, the establishment of the Eucharist, and the betrayal by Judas Iscariot.

Who were the participants in the Last Supper?

Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.

What are some famous artistic representations of the Last Supper?

Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” (1495-1498), Tintoretto’s “The Last Supper” (1592-1594), and Salvador Dalí’s “The Sacrament of the Last Supper” (1955).